About Us
Gulf Coast Friends meets once a month on the 2nd Thursday of the month, from September through May. We meet at 10:30 am at the Pensacola Bay Center- check this website or our newsletter for details.
After our meet and greet session, we conduct our business meeting. Next, we are entertained by a special guest speaker, have some type of entertainment or play a game with other members. At about noon, we have our luncheon. The meeting cost is typically $20.00 per person and you must make a reservation if you want to attend. See our monthly newsletter for details on the program, food, cost, location and procedure for making a reservation.
GCF members are encouraged to bring guests who will perhaps become new members. New members are introduced at the monthly luncheon and are introduced by our vice president, who is in charge of new members. Annual dues of $30.00 a year is payable by May 31. We always welcome new members from Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Pensacola Beach, Pensacola, Milton and surrounding areas. If you would like more information, please email gulfcoastfriends20@gmail.com.
During the year, we will have programs and events to raise funds for local charitable organizations that will be decided by our charity committee. Such programs in the past have included fashion shows, garage sales, craft fairs, casino nights, bingo, trips to Biloxi, chili or soup cook-offs, etc.
Our GCF men are invited to several events each year, typically the Christmas party, end-of-year “Spring Fling” picnic, Game Day and bus trips to casinos.